The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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German Bundesliga Injured Footballers

The following players are currently injured or unavailable for German Bundesliga games in the next week of the 2010-2011 season.

The player's number of league appearances this season, and the total minutes played in these games, are also shown.

German Bundesliga Injuries
Next game: 28-Feb - VFB Stuttgart v Bayern Munich
Bayern Munich
D. PeretzHealth problems270 mins in 3 appearances
D. UpamecanoMuscle Injury1,673 mins in 19 appearances
J. KimmichAchilles Tendon Injury2,023 mins in 23 appearances
J. StanisicIllness71 mins in 3 appearances
VFB Stuttgart
C. OlivierAnkle Injury0 appearances
D. ZagadouKnee Injury27 mins in 2 appearances
E. B. ToureFoot Injury311 mins in 9 appearances
L. RaimundThigh Injury0 appearances

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