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2005-2006 League Two Fixtures

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 17/07/2005

Home > 2005-2006 Season > League Two Fixtures

These are the results so far in Nationwide League Two.
The home teams are shown in the columns down the side.
The away teams are shown in the rows at the top.

BAR   31/12 1-1 06/12 25/02 07/01 15/10 25/03 0-1 2-3 14/02 1-0 17/04 10/12 08/04 0-0 26/12 1-1 29/10 04/02 29/04 19/11 04/03 21/01
BOS 01/04   15/10 21/01 28/12 17/12 15/02 04/02 1-1 02/01 18/03 07/01 2-2 04/03 19/11 17/04 1-0 3-2 29/04 1-1 2-2 29/10 26/11 18/02
BRI 26/11 22/04   04/02 15/04 14/02 21/01 1-0 1-2 07/01 0-0 06/05 25/03 0-0 11/03 1-1 2-3 12/11 08/04 26/12 18/02 17/12 22/10 31/12
BUR 18/02 1-1 1-0   0-1 26/11 17/04 15/10 26/12 1-2 1-1 04/03 29/04 28/01 29/10 11/02 08/04 25/03 19/11 2-0 31/12 14/01 2-2 17/12
CAR 1-3 25/03 1-3 07/01   21/01 04/02 26/12 08/04 2-3 04/03 2-0 15/10 0-1 17/04 19/11 1-0 31/12 18/02 14/02 29/10 29/04 17/12 26/11
CHE 1-1 3-0 14/01 2-1 2-3   26/12 17/04 14/10 1-1 18/11 10/12 29/10 11/02 29/04 06/12 2-1 25/02 25/03 31/12 08/04 0-1 28/01 04/03
CHR 22/04 14/01 4-0 22/10 2-0 18/03   4-4 1-2 18/02 2-2 01/04 3-1 12/11 28/01 02/01 26/11 2-3 17/12 06/05 11/02 04/03 28/12 15/04
DAR 28/12 0-0 11/02 22/04 18/03 22/10 11/03   17/12 0-1 01/04 1-0 28/01 15/04 1-1 1-2 14/01 2-1 26/11 18/02 2-0 02/01 06/05 12/11
GRI 11/03 11/02 10/12 18/03 02/01 21/04 25/02 0-1   22/10 28/12 12/11 14/01 06/05 4-0 1-1 28/01 06/12 2-0 15/04 1-3 3-0 01/04 0-1
LEY 28/01 08/04 2-3 10/12 11/02 11/03 06/12 25/02 17/04   15/10 2-1 3-1 14/01 31/12 29/10 29/04 1-4 26/12 0-1 19/11 2-1 1-1 25/03
LIN 14/01 26/12 28/01 15/04 0-0 0-1 10/12 31/12 25/03 22/04   06/12 08/04 1-1 25/02 2-1 1-2 06/05 11/03 12/11 2-0 11/02 2-0 22/10
MAC 17/12 2-2 29/10 1-0 28/01 2-2 31/12 19/11 29/04 26/11 18/02   1-1 1-4 0-0 14/01 15/10 11/03 3-1 25/03 26/12 17/04 11/02 08/04
MAN 22/10 11/03 28/12 11/11 22/04 06/05 07/01 2-2 14/02 15/04 02/01 04/02   18/03 2-3 01/04 17/12 21/01 0-1 4-0 26/11 3-0 18/02 2-3
NOR 1-2 3-2 19/11 1-1 11/03 1-2 29/04 0-0 29/10 14/02 26/11 21/01 26/12   25/03 14/10 31/12 08/04 04/02 17/12 17/04 17/02 0-0 07/01
NOT 02/01 1-2 2-0 06/05 22/10 12/11 1-1 07/01 04/02 01/04 2-1 15/04 04/03 28/12   18/03 18/02 22/04 0-0 21/01 17/12 26/11 1-0 14/02
OXF 15/04 22/10 04/03 2-1 1-0 18/02 08/04 21/01 26/11 06/05 17/12 15/02 31/12 22/04 26/12   25/03 04/02 2-2 07/01 1-1 1-0 12/11 2-2
PET 18/03 15/04 25/02 02/01 10/12 04/02 0-1 14/02 0-1 12/11 21/01 22/04 2-0 01/04 06/12 28/12   22/10 07/01 0-2 04/03 0-0 P-P 06/05
ROC 11/02 28/01 29/04 28/12 01/04 1-1 19/11 04/03 18/02 17/12 29/10 3-1 2-0 02/01 15/10 0-1 17/04   2-1 26/11 14/01 4-1 18/03 1-2
RUS 06/05 12/11 02/01 0-2 06/12 28/12 1-1 1-1 04/03 18/03 1-1 25/02 10/12 1-3 11/02 28/01 0-2 15/04   22/10 3-2 01/04 14/01 22/04
SHR 2-2 10/12 18/03 25/02 14/01 01/04 29/10 06/12 0-0 04/03 29/04 28/12 19/11 1-1 2-0 2-0 11/02 0-1 18/04   15/10 28/01 03/01 1-1
STO 13/11 25/02 06/12 01/04 06/05 02/01 0-0 10/12 07/01 1-1 04/02 18/03 2-2 22/10 1-1 11/03 1-1 14/02 21/01 22/04   28/12 15/04 3-3
TOR 0-0 06/05 2-3 14/02 12/11 15/04 0-1 08/04 21/01 04/02 2-1 22/10 25/02 06/12 0-0 10/12 11/03 07/01 31/12 2-1 25/03   22/04 26/12
WRE 3-1 2-0 17/04 11/03 0-1 2-0 26/03 29/10 31/12 21/01 07/01 1-1 06/12 25/02 10/12 29/04 19/11 26/12 14/02 09/04 3-0 15/10   04/02
WYC 1-0 06/12 01/04 4-0 1-1 0-0 3-3 29/04 19/11 28/12 17/04 02/01 11/02 1-1 14/01 25/02 29/10 10/12 15/10 11/03 28/01 18/03 4-1

Key to Teams
BAR Barnet
BOS Boston Utd
BRI Bristol R
BUR Bury
CAR Carlisle
CHE Cheltenham
CHR Chester
DAR Darlington
GRI Grimsby
LEY Leyton Orient
LIN Lincoln
MAC Macclesfield
MAN Mansfield
NOR Northampton
NOT Notts Co
OXF Oxford
PET Peterborough
ROC Rochdale
RUS Rushden
SHR Shrewsbury
STO Stockport
TOR Torquay
WRE Wrexham
WYC Wycombe

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