The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

Question of the Week

Next England manager?


Mentioned Part 12

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 20/10/2000

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"No disrespect to the likes of Grimsby..."

friday 20th october

Danish Mentions
Nicko's report from the Fishy in the Danish press

"... Grimsby tabte 3-1 og Lektonen fik følgende vurdering af Nick Osborne fra Grimsby:
Jeg tror ikke han har spillet fodbold i lang tid. Han manglede tempo og virkede småforvirret, men han fortjener alligevel en chance mere."

The original appears here

Spotted by Jostein

Nielsen Full Debut
From the Danish Press

Jostein has translated the Danish for our benefit.

David Nielsen scorede for Grimsby (DN scored for Grimsby)

Lejesvenden David Nielsen kom på scoringstavlen for Grimsby, da 1. divisionsklubbentirsdag havde besøg af Queens Park Rangers. (The rent soldier DN came on the goalsheet for Grimsby, when the 1.div-club tuesday had visit of QPR)

Kampen endte 3-1 til hjemmeholdet, og dermed vandt "the mariners" sin anden sejr i træk, siden "the Great Dane", som klubben allerede har døbt ham, kom til klubben. (The match ended 3-1 to the home team, and with that "the Mariners" second win in a row, since "the Great Dane" as the club already have named him, came to the club)

For første gang var FCK'eren med fra start, efter at han i sidste uge blev lejet ud til den kriseramte engelske 1. divisionsklub. (For the first time was the FCK' player playing from start, after he last week was rented to the relegation threathed 1.div club)

David Nielsen bragte Grimsby foran 2-1 små 10 minutter inde i anden halvleg, efter at Grimsby havde været bagud ved en tidlig scoring af Queens Park Rangers' Karl Conolly. (DN brought Grimsby ahead 2-1, 10 minutes in second half, after Grimsby had been behind with an early goal by QPR's Karl Connolly)

Grimsbys to andre scoringer blev sat ind af Steve Livingstone. (Grimsby's two other goals was put in by Steve Livingstone)

Med de to sejre virker Grimsby for alvor på vej væk fra de nedre regioner af tabellen.(With two wins, it seems like GTFC seriously gave come out of the relegation battle)

Spotted by Jostein

Nielsen on cult status

From the Danish Press

David Nielsen has become cult in Grimsby, as the local media describes it after the Danes dreammatch, where he set up two goals and scored one himself. "They have gone crazy over here" the 24-year-old striker laughs.

"I cannot understand that much of what they are saying over here [a comment to the local accent no doubt] but I can read the papers. Both The Sun ad Daily Mirror write about me, and i the local Grimsby Telegraph, manager Lennie Lawrence says that "we should sit down and work something out"".

"I don't think I ever played as good a game as the one against QPR. [an example of why is was such a spectacular game] I scored on a volley with my left foot.", says the showman, who celebrated his goal with a summersault. "I am very conscious about how I meet the club's supportes, and I've told them that I am not just here to collect my paycheck but to play football and prove to them what I can do."

Through most of the second half against QPR, the Grimsby supporters sang ´'Sign him on'. After the game David Nielsen was awarded Man of the Match, and taken to the sponsorlounge for champagne and congratulations. "It was a somewhat different expecience than meeting the sponsors of FC Copenhagen. They were somewhat less sober" the striker laughs. Nielsen had a day off from training Friday, and went out to see Grimsby city. Here he was surrounded by football fans everywhere.

"They all wanted to hear whether I would stay beyond my loanperiod of three months. We'll se about that. [Commenting on the team strength] The team is a bit mixed, but in general the matches are at least at level with the Superliga [Danish Premier League], and the pace of game is higher. I've got black marks all over my body today, but I can just stand it" laughs David Nielsen, who's going to play Blackburn Saturday.

Spotted by Thundersen

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