The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Petition #3

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 04/08/2000

Jul 15, 2000 08:48:54 David Wilkinson London UK
The decision is a disaster not just for the Club but for the Town as a whole. The decision to bar season ticket holders from participating is dubious. I am aware of the legal precedent but It is based on flawed logic. How do we know that non-season ticket holding councillors are not more regular attenders? Shareholders have a clear pecuniary interest and therefore should not vote. Season tickets holders have no such interest and should be allowed to vote. If it is simply some sort of general interest then any councillor representing or living in Great Coates should have been barred. This disastrous decision will cost a lot of jobs and inward investment into the area - all in order to appease some locals who pretend their collection of houses next to a motorway and amid factories is a village worth preserving.

Jul 15, 2000 09:05:30 Dave Coathup CHESTER England
As a Tranmere fan I support your efforts. Always enjoy our visits, to your ground, if only for decent fish and chips! but the current ground and parking are not up to it.Local residents must get really fed up particular when the bigger sharks visit you.

Jul 15, 2000 09:25:20 Rach Grimsby England
What is the point of voting for councillors to represent the people of Grimsby if they're then not allowed to express an opinion? The court ruling banning season ticket holders from voting is a crock. These elected officials are supposed to be objective and serve the needs of the people of Grimsby. It shouldn't matter whether or not they go to Town matches because in theory they're not there to serve their own personal interests. The majority of people in this area want a new stadium, but this is being thwarted by twenty out-of-touch self-serving little bureaucrats, who choose to ignore the wishes of the people. I believe my councillor did actually vote in favour of the stadium, but I sincerely hope that come the next election, the anti-stadium lobby gets its collective backside well and truly kicked. Finally may I suggest that we build an underground bomb shelter somewhere for the Great Coates residents, so that no-one ever dares to disturb their sad little world again!

Jul 15, 2000 1:12:34 Dave Roberts Cleethorpes England
About time this council woke up and sorted out a proper plan for this town.All we have is a series of pet projects which are not part of an overall strategy and consequently we get a disjointed mess.If the Great Coates site is unsuitable then it is encumbent upon the council to identify a more appropriate site asap and help the club move.

Jul 15, 2000 1:28:40 Adam Grimsby
Visit this site for more angry stadium reaction What more can we say about it. It's a disaster!! One other thing which i've noticed - the board don't know what to do next, what the hell are they doing!!!

Jul 15, 2000 1:45:05 Garry Fawn Grimsby England
4 our town 4 our pride but most impotantly 4 our survival

Jul 15, 2000 1:47:03 Peter Southwell Grimsby England
All the councellors of N.E lincs who voted against MAKE ME SICK

Jul 15, 2000 1:56:26 bob graves cleethorpes
Those people make me ashamed of where i come from

Jul 15, 2000 10:11:36 Steve Leggett Grimsby
So are we prepared to sit back and let these people slowly choke our football club to death? These people who it is patently obvious do not have a clue about Grimsby and what it's people want, and who are probably only in office for thier own gain. We, the PEOPLE of Grimsby, and indeed all the other kind people who are lending us thier support on this iy of these councillors when I will have the option to vote for them!

Jul 15, 2000 10:11:36 John Grimsby
I am genuinely shocked by those supposed councillors who are supposed to be representing US - the community!!! Their small minds have cost Grimsby something which it could be proud of. Lets face it, there's not much else in this town for us to pride ourselves on!
Also football IS like a religion, unlike what Mr DeFreitas said. It is something which is immensely popular. Despite our small attendances, the majority of NE Lincs like to see our football team prosper. The Wembley season of 97-98 proves this.
I will not be voting for any of these councillors when I will have the option to vote for them!

Jul 15, 2000 10:12:14 Andrew LEONARD Chalfont St Giles Bucks England
I think it is all very short sighted and although I can unfortunately do very little from down here I just hope that all you locals make your voices heard loud and clear. The club needs to move forward into a purpose built stadium which would be in use for the community 52 weeks of the year and therefore generate extra income that would be the life blood for a small club like GTFC. I wish you all the best, up the mariners

Jul 15, 2000 10:17:25 John
I'd like to just make a suggestion. As David Grest was saying, we should show the council how passionate we feel for the club. Therefore we should all be making the effort to go to BP and watch Town. Full home crowds would prove to the council that the football team means a lot to the people of NE Lincs. Also, if these idiots do get their way, full attendances would help to keep the club afloat.

Jul 15, 2000 10:53:52 Pontoon Whispers Grimsby
Grimsby Town's other Unofficial Web Site, Pontoon Whispers, stands high alongside the Fishy in being outraged with the decision by NE Lincs to crap on the new stadium. LETS ALL 'CLUB' TOGETHER AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS COMPLETE INJUSTICE.
Up the Mariners!!!

Jul 15, 2000 2:07:18 tony north grimsby
This council wants to kill the Town off.
Every decent propsal to improve facilities is
objected to , UNLESS of course it is on council owned land
( ie macaulay tip). We then end up with half-baked
museums, a millenium park that will no doubt be a
tribute to some " worthy councillor", and the worst football ground in
the first division. And since when have the council taken any notice of
residents. I suggest those living around Peakes Parkway and Macaulay Allotment
owners must wonder what " magical powers " the residents of Gt Coates
have over the council ? Me thinks " money talks!"

Jul 15, 2000 2:26:09 Alan Bloore Barnsley
As Deputy Chairman of National Federation of Supporters' Clubs and the National Secretary Secreatry of the coalition of Football Supporters, I am dismayed at the attitude of North Lincs Council.Don't they realise for a town like Grimsby a Football team in the upper leagues of brings more advertising for the town.
Without afootball team, towns very raely get a mention.But having a team leads to recognition every time a game is played.
Imagine how much it would cost to get the same coverage with advertising.
To remain in the division where they current stand, Grimsby needs a bigger stadium.This could also used for other events.Something again the area needs, as neither Grimsby or Hull have a venue to attract big Concersts and other events.
Being somewhat cut off out in the remote part of the country, I would have thought the council would be encouraged that the club wanted a bigger stadium.
All the best Alan
Also Chairman Barnsley FC supporters' Club

Jul 15, 2000 2:29:31 Alex Green Keelby England
What is wrong with them do they want everything in Grimsby to fail

Jul 15, 2000 2:37:32 Ron Smith
Interesting to note that councillors who know about and enjoy their local football team are not allowed to vote, where as 8 'female councillors' who probably don't know the difference between a football and a melon vote against the new stadium.
Nothing suprises me with this council. A right bunch of stick in the muds that do not want change. N.E.L.C. have made sure the GRIM remains in GRIMSBY.

Jul 15, 2000 2:52:21 Chris Paine Cleethorpes England
We will not let our club die just because of the 20 arrogant, out of touch councillors, who have let the people who voted for them down so badly.

Jul 15, 2000 3:01:36 Niall Derry Ireland
I have been follwing GTFC's progress since your visit to Derry last summer - and I would like to voice my disgust at the decision of the Council.

Jul 15, 2000 3:23:06 Elizabeth Heywood
I thought we lived in a democratic society. NELC as just proved me wrong

Jul 15, 2000 3:25:50 Chris Swan Grimsby England
I think that it is disgusting when the hopes of the towns football club have been dashed by a bunch of small minded councillors who clearly don't believe in representing the views of the majority of people who voted for them. Therefore I also don't see why those 12 people couldn't vote because they had an interest, surely everyone had an opinion otherwise they should have abstained in the vote. The whole thing fucking stinks.

Jul 15, 2000 3:41:18 Colin Judge Edinburgh United States
The upcoming game between the Dee and Grimsby has no doubt led to loads of DFC hits on your site. Having viewed the proposals on the official website I was appalled to learn that the local council had rejected them. These people are accountable! Make them explain their logic in turning down what seems tve been refused by a bunch of wankers that don't know the first thing about football and whom couldn't give a toss if Grimsby went out of the football league. I'd like to know why Town supporters on the council abstained were as people who don't know the first thing about football and probably hate the club get to vote.

Jul 15, 2000 3:41:18 Chris Roberts Miami FL United States
I'd just like to say how disgusted i am that the new stadium proposals have been refused by a bunch of wankers that don't know the first thing about football and whom couldn't give a toss if Grimsby went out of the football league. I'd like to know why Town supporters on the council abstained were as people who don't know the first thing about football and probably hate the club get to vote.

Jul 15, 2000 3:51:20 Steven and Patricia Mapley Grimsby England
The voting process was very unfair. Those councillors with an interest in GTFC should have been able to vote. This is their democratic right. The decision does not reflect the opinion of the majority of the people of N.E.Lincs. We feel that the club directors and developers should explore every avenue of righting this wrong.

Jul 15, 2000 4:00:01 Ian Chesterfield England
I`d just like to express my 'congratulations' to the 20 members of NELC who are in the process of destroying the community of Grimsby, and one of the major links that exilied Grimbarians have with the area.
I just hope that 1 day all Town fans can destroy the hopes of every one of the 20 small minded councillers.

Jul 15, 2000 4:22:01 Phil Wade Cleethorpes England
Don't give up on the holy grail of a new stadium Town. Blundell Park has had its time and is very outdated.
The council should re-name Grimsby to Europes DOOMED toon, as they quite clearly are out of touch with the majority
of thier constituents,roll on the council elections.I have sympathy for those at Great Coates, but how can they
complain about building on thier doorstep when they have a industrial estate 600 metres away.I hope the council will re-consider
the verdict because this is more than just football. Its how the the council views the town for the future.

Jul 15, 2000 4:33:55 Mike Shelton Grimsby England
Let's face it, the negative decision was wrong. All we can do as the fans, the general public, and the only ones with any sense, is to show them how wrong they were.
Sign the petition and fight for the good of the town, the club, and the area.

Jul 15, 2000 4:33:59 LEE GRIMSBY ENGLAND

Do you want Grimsby on the map or not. Sure fire way to make everything irrelevant, stop the local club from having any success. Mind you club response..not much in the press about the issues this will cause the club, so who really does care?

Jul 15, 2000 4:53:17 Paul Dawson Grimsby
Is it any wonder that a bunch of middle class wankers voted against the new stadium?
If the planning application was for a golf course, museum or something more 'respectable' they would not have voted against it.
A list of the councillor's who voted against the new stadium are listed on the 'Electronic Fishcake' page at
At the bottom of the above page is a link to the NE Lincolnshire council site where the addresses & phone numbers of all the councillor's can be found. Not that I'm suggesting that you should ring them up, just after closing time maybe, and tell them what you think of them.

Jul 15, 2000 5:37:42 Paul Dodsworth Grimsby England
Like many, I am shocked and very dissapointed at the Councils decision on the new stadium. You can look at it two ways. They have either made a well informed and far sighted decision, or they have badly misjudged the situation. I think time will reveal it to be the latter. One thing is for sure, the new stadium will be built, this is only a cynical tackle from behind. The resulting free kick will see the ball in the back of the net and Town will have won a famous victory.

Jul 15, 2000 5:37:43 jayne dabb grimsby
Thank you N. E. Lincs councillors, you have effectively signed the death warrant of GTFC.

Jul 15, 2000 5:38:24 Andrew Mathews Grimsby England
I had a feeling on thursday before the vote that it wouldn't get passed.I just didn't trust the people who were voting.
Keith Archer the man who recommended that the plan should be changed to incorporate the new stadium,is an educated man with an educated decision,that's his job.But I'm afraid the sad individuals that pass off as our councillors are not educated and they obviously haven't given this matter a great deal of thought.
What you also don't need is idiots like cllr Tattersdale,who didn't have anything sensible to say,so he came out with aload of rubbish about building a stadium on the docks and calling it the Harry Haddock stadium,(how did he get elected?).
It's a major blow to the club and the Town,and I'm deeply depressed.

Jul 15, 2000 6:30:11 Keith Uytendhal Detmold Germany
Come on the fishy people, get onto the council and start demanding. Good luck with all your work, I hope to visit your NEW ground soon.

Jul 15, 2000 6:31:32 Nige Cleethorpes
Well done to the in-bred bastards at N.E Lincs council.The only reason they(NELC)and the weirdos of G.Coates don`t want a new stadium is they don`t want several thousand people watching them abusing the livestock in that area.If the weirdos of G.Coates don`t like Grimsby,move to Hull.

Jul 15, 2000 6:36:41 Graham Howes Grimsby England
My feelings are that I am totally gutted and cannot understand how some members who have clear financial gain were allowed to vote and season ticket councilors who could not possibly gain note be allowed to vote. Councilor Martin Vickers had a vested interest to say no he owns a shop on cleethorpes road which gains extra funds when town play. This really shows how the whole voting process was fudged in a way that the people of grimsby were never going to win

Jul 15, 2000 7:32:28 Dale Gy UK
Maybe the council did'nt quite understand the implications of their No Vote. Maybe they think the club can perhaps continue at BP? Maybe they think the club could build the stadium elsewhere? They cant afford to ! The councillors who voted were elected by a majority, the majority of Gy people wanted the stadium ! Wake Up

Jul 15, 2000 9:21:16 Dave Larder Barossa Valley Australia
I was absolutely devastated when the poll result came through. It's absolutely unbelievable how a project in a depressed area of UK can be so easily dismissed. I just hope that those councillors who voted "no" to the future of Grimsby and GTFC, will feel well satisfied when they are voted out of office at the next elections.

Petition Parts: 1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14

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