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Petition #7

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 04/08/2000

Jul 17, 2000 4:33:00 James Clough Dundee NE Lincs
Was at the game on Friday, and impressed see we don't have a pub in our ground. But seriously, come on you Councillors, give the people what they want! Thanks to all the Grimsby fans at the game that I spoke to, madeg this add to our cynicism and let's do something and stop them making such gross decisions 'on our behalf'.
It's time for the silent majority to get to work!

Jul 17, 2000 4:33:00 Paul Vessey Grimsby NE Lincs
The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics, is to be governed by men worse than themselves. PLATO
Never has a saying been more true (please substitute men for people to represent modern day).
Unfortunate though it is the myopic 'visionaries' in charge of the council and responsible for this incredible decision are, I am afraid to say, what we deserve for a lack of interest in local politics. Instead of letting this add to our cynicism and let's do something and stop them making such gross decisions 'on our behalf'.
It's time for the silent majority to get to work!

Jul 17, 2000 4:39:27 Stewart Wilkinson Grimsby UK
The Council should learn to listen to the people who elected them!!!!

Jul 17, 2000 4:40:24 MATTHEW THOMPSON Grimsby England
I want the stadium to be built in Great Coates
because it is closer to where I live. I think it is wrong of the council to stop it being built.
MATTY THOMPSON age 10 years.

Jul 17, 2000 4:52:32 Hazel Bullen Grimsby England
Grimsby Town need a new stadium - having listened to both sides involved I feel the pros of the proposed site far outweigh the cons (Sorry,Great Coates)Common sense should prevail in this instance and not emotion.

Jul 17, 2000 4:57:36 A L Roberts Cleethorpes Lincolnshire
We are two avid supporters of Grimsby Town and we would like the stadium to be located at Great Coates.Up the MARRINERS.

Jul 17, 2000 5:13:18 Paul Germaney Grimsby Lincolnshire
Come on Great Coates its only twenty three days a season.
If everybody adopted the 'not in my backyard' attitude
this town would by empty !!
Be proud of where you come from!
Up the Mariners.

Jul 17, 2000 5:36:41 Don Griffiths Grimsby UK
A typical short sighted decision from our elected representatives. Take your noses out of the trough and do something for the town and its people for once. Reverse this decision and let us have a modern stadium.

Jul 17, 2000 5:37:45 Drew & Annie Cook Grimsby
N.E. Lincs council should be ashamed of itself. I thought a council was supposed to be for the majority not the minority. I still can't understand the residents of Great Coates thinking that a football stadium is going to cause so much disruption when it wasn't even going to be in the village. We need a new council, Grimsby will never get anything with this one.
I think we should set up a park and ride in Great Coates when the new season starts!!

Jul 17, 2000 5:51:06 W Russell cleethorpes england
We are truly disappointed with the decision, we had high hopes in Neville Street. Now, thanks to the useless councillors and people of Great Coates I am still stuck with the Osmond Stand in my garden. I wish the people of Great Coates would come and take a look at the view from my garden - corragated metal, ageing asbestos sheets and barbed wire. Thankyou very much, I probably don't stand a cat in hells chance of selling my house now. Residents lived in hope that one day the town would see sense and move the ground. They really do not understand how truly sad the decision is. I only hope that now they will offer the residents of Neville Street validated parking, season tickets etc etc etc. If they can do it for Great Coates, we deserve compensation for being lumbered with this old football ground and its delapidated stands.

Jul 17, 2000 6:34:44 Mike Dunderdale London (Goxhill native) UK
As we are all aware, local ( and national ) government are elected by the people, and supposed to represent the people. Ultimately NE Lincs council have ignored the people, not to say their own advisors. Hopefully, they will have enough sense to see their mistake. However, if they don't, it's in the people's hands to ensure that they do not make the same mistakes again...

Jul 17, 2000 6:37:54 Dave Cormack grimsby England
Come on you people of Great Coates. Lets have a new stadium and get the Great back in Grimsby. Up the Mariners

Jul 17, 2000 7:44:45 Janet Corden Scunthorpe UK
If I was living in the NEL area rather than the NL area I would be wanting to know a thing or two about the motives behind the cousellors voting!

Jul 17, 2000 8:44:35 Eddie Burdass Nr. Louth UK
I think that a strong case for a second vote (including the pro football voters this time) could be made. The reason being that the "No" voters included one (W.Parkinson) who owns a pub in Cleethorpes, used by fans on match days, and moving the ground out of Cleethorpes would reduce is income. Surely this is someone who should have "Declared an interest" and been excluded!

Jul 17, 2000 9:47:42 Marc Drury cleethorpes(lincolnshire) england
When will this council finally learn, a chance for jobs to be made and the town put on the map,not a chance, well neither have the mariners if the decision is not reversed. Great Coates we have had to look at the stadium for many years in its now run down state, at least you will have a brand new stadium to look at, up the mariners

Jul 17, 2000 9:59:58 marc drury cleethorpes england
I wonder how many of these councillors would of voted yes to a new stadium if there was something in it for them, millions of pounds that could of been used from investors now probably swanning there way to another greatful football club, laughing stock well we certainly will be, well nelc do something now before its too late, show the community you do care about it, or you may all find yoursselves out of office at the next election. Didnt Butlins get the same treatment many years ago and now look a thriving business, dont do the same to the mariners, Grimby TOwn v Liverpool, Man Utd or Grimsby TOwn v Gresley Rovers ( no offence lads) which sounds the better proposistion??? i know what i would rather watch

Petition Parts: 1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14

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