The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

Question of the Week

Next England manager?


Petition #12

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 04/08/2000

Jul 20, 2000 05:11:38 Michael Oakes Grimsby & London England
The step taken by the Grimsby Council just highlights the small town mentality of these beaurocrats. They are fully prepared to fly in the face of public demand (the people who voted them into the positions they are in, in the first place). Maybe I am misunderstood, but I thought that they were there to represent the public of Grimsby and vote on our behalf, not vote for their own personal opinions!! Obviously these people do not with to represent the true views of the Grimsby public, a lesson which we should learn and bear in mind next time these councellors stand for Election !!!!

Jul 20, 2000 05:18:48 Norwegian Moose Drammen Norway
I think the council should re-think as giving permisson to Grimsby Town
to build a new stadium, would generate much more money, something that would lead to much more taxincome
and it would also probably lead to more jobs being created, something that will save the city
for paying out social security money to the same ppl
It might also lead to Grimsby Town becoming a bigger club
not just a club that goes up and down between 1st and 2nd division
Norwegian Moose

Jul 20, 2000 05:21:07 Prodigy Bristol (Stockport County)
Keep fighting Grimsby!! Just keep at them, they'll buckle in the end, the kind of commitment exhibited by decent, honest fans like yourselves will always overcome short-sighted clowns like these councillors. Keep the faith and best of luck for the season, see you on Boxing Day.

Jul 20, 2000 07:18:40 Garry J Aberdeen Scotland
Don't let the narrow minded fat-cat councillors get you down!! Some people just don't realise how important your "Local Heroes" are!! Dundee FC have had to put up with the same sort of narrow mindedness for years, by a number of factions, SFA and media. Your ambitions must, and will win through, unfortunately your team won't be as successful on Friday night, when they meet the mighty Dees!! Good Luck in your "battle". Common sense normally prevails, it just takes councils and Assosciation a little longer to see the light! Hope to meet some of your fans in The Leaking Boot tomorrow.

Jul 20, 2000 07:18:40 Nick Osborne Grimsby Scotland
So who do these councillors represent?They where elected to represent their constituents right?So why do they vote against them?If all the polls show a massive 80% for the stadium how come they voted against it.Might just be because they where voting for their own political ends,and judging by the response so far,it could well be the end for them(politically).
GTFC is by far the biggeser of factions, SFA and media. Your ambitions must, and will win through, unfortunately your team won't be as successful on Friday night, when they meet the mighty Dees!! Good Luck in your "battle". Common sense normally prevails, it just takes councils and Assosciation a little longer to see the light! Hope to meet some of your fans in The Leaking Boot tomorrow.

Jul 20, 2000 07:55:55 Dave Macandrew Stirling Scotland
Best of luck with getting your new park guys. Keep fighting for it. See you Friday night.

Jul 20, 2000 08:25:13 Chris Webster Dundee Scotland
Hope your petition gets the desired effect.I know how much getting our new stands meant to us and how much of a lift it gave us.Lets hope you will be able to get the same lift

Jul 20, 2000 08:32:33 Chris Lane Grimsby

Jul 20, 2000 08:38:48 Reading Stockport County Reading UK
BHA won, Barnet look like they may have a chance.
Don't give up and certainly don't let a bunch of
dubious 'representatives' beat you. Keep

Jul 20, 2000 09:38:37 Gareth Edinburgh Scotland
As a Hibs supporter I know what it means to have your clubs very existence threatened. At least when it was us it was a fat cat businessman that we had to fight. He was easily identifiable. To have your local politicians contributing is a disgrace. However, as elected officials you have the potential to scare them into submission. Fight the good fight. Good luck.

Jul 20, 2000 1:07:44 Eddie Coulson Corby Northants
Good Luck With Your Fight.

Jul 20, 2000 1:59:18 Lindsay Maxwell Edinburgh Scotland
Good luck to Grimsby from a Hibs fan who knows what you're feeling for your club. Keep up the good fight!

Jul 20, 2000 10:37:34 Marion Montgomery Stockport England
It is a sad iditement of beligerent and totally amateur shortsighted and ineffective management that this situation has been allowed to occur.
It is a disgrateful act of un-necessary burocratic bungling...and those responsible should be both ashamed and penetant to those affected.
Hold your heads in are a disgrace!

Jul 20, 2000 10:47:51 Big Fella Stockport uk
It is about time that local councillors started to listen and re-act to thet general public consensus.
the lack of action on their part is not only wrecking Grimsby Town but the whole of english football as players have fewer and fewer chances to break into thet professional game and therefore in thet long run fewer England as a team will be thrown into an even deeper pit.

Jul 20, 2000 10:54:45 Kenny McMillan Edinburgh Scotland
Hope everything comes good for you guys, keep the fight even if things look black. I know from experience as a Hibs fan that these things can be overcome.

Jul 20, 2000 11:38:52 Scott Edinburgh Scotland
Best of luck from everyone at Hibs FC in getting the new stadium boys. Keep up the fight.

Jul 20, 2000 11:54:43 Ian Elliott Cambridge England
Good luck in your fight for a new stadium. At Cambridge we know exactly what you are going through but hopefully you will get the same successful outcome as ourselves. All the best...

Jul 20, 2000 2:35:47 Tom Sharpe grimsby UK
I have kept quiet about the stadium desision but now its time to air my view's. It seems like the council want the town to be in the "dark ages" and not let any development that might benefit the town to be stopped. Of course they granted planning pemission to the Cinema, retail park thing but who is behind that... err North East Lincs council and the private company that wanted to do it, did they get planning permission refused ?? I think so but I might be mistaken. I have heard other people say it before but it is one rule for one and another rule for another. i must also say that somebody told me that one of the councillers who refused the vote was the owner of Willeys wine bar and someby who lives at the same address as him also refused it, yet you still put willeys wine bar on your web site. I will boycot that and as much of the other companies 9if any) the other councillers who voted against it, own. I think after one of the matches we should all drive down to Coates (formally Great coates) and block the roads ...Power to the people !!

Jul 20, 2000 2:35:47 Nigel Stolworthy Grimsby UK
Do the council not realise that GTFC is the best commercial asset that they have, and it is dying ar and someby who lives at the same address as him also refused it, yet you still put willeys wine bar on your web site. I will boycot that and as much of the other companies 9if any) the other councillers who voted against it, own. I think after one of the matches we should all drive down to Coates (formally Great coates) and block the roads ...Power to the people !!

Jul 20, 2000 2:44:29 Shane.R.Linford. Grimsby UK
I think it will be sad for the community of Grimsby and for the Grimsby Town Football team if the new stadiam dosnt go ahead.

Jul 20, 2000 2:50:26 Save The Stadium Grimsby UK
The councillers (who voted against the stadium) are a joke and why where the 12 not alowed to vote, just because they actually support something that is local !!!
I bet nearly all the councillers went to wembley a couple of season ago, so they should not be allowed to vote as well. It seems like it was a blantent fix to try and kill a club that has been around for over 100 years, yet their "club" has only been around for a few years.

Jul 20, 2000 3:14:20 Bob Gear Brighton & Hove Albion
Keep Fighting!
Stick Together!
You will win.
Weblinks to every Brighton Site.

Jul 20, 2000 4:12:41 Paul Johnston Edinburgh Scotland
Don't let the bastards grind you down. Keep up the fight and good luck.


Jul 20, 2000 5:24:24 Evo cleethorpes england
Sold down the river by n.e.l.c. how many of them decleared that the'd been to the pictures or to the theatre' free-loading scum

Jul 20, 2000 5:30:40 Fat lad cleethorpes england
It's totally unprintable what I'd like to do to the one's that voted against the town moving to a new ground and the chance of going to the top
they all went to wembley no doubt phoney to-faced parasites Grimsby till I die
fat lad(george)

Jul 20, 2000 6:24:54 Hippy Stockport
You've won already, the Councillors will buckle under all this pressure, of that I have no doubt.

Jul 20, 2000 7:11:04 scb
Good luck GTFC from yet another Stockport fan (although you broke my heart in the cup last year)
and not enough pubs near the ground.
Never the less GTFC are a business and as such should be allowed to progress, like any club i am sure they play an important and varied role within the community. Local councils are happy to take from you and therefore should be accomodating in respect of the desires of the club to progress, no one loses here! increased revenue benefits all.
Small clubs MUST increase revenue through outlets aside from gate receipts or else they die
Thats what they are voting for
P.S To the council, I only went to Grimsby for the football, like thousands of others, spent my money in the town etc --- SO WAKE UP, GROW UP AND GIVE THEM WHAT THEY DEMOCRATICALLY CHOSE OR GET OUT OF OFFICE!!
Good luck boys!

Petition Parts: 1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14

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